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Gailumed specialists in technical advice on regulatory affairs

know us

We are a consultancy specialized in regulatory affairs for companies and professionals that provides technical advisory services on the regulation of health products, IVD, cosmetics and biocides in Spain, Portugal and Latin America.


Providing specialized support to your company in Spain, Portugal and Latin America

Regulatory Affairs Management in Spain and Portugal

Market Research in Latam

Regulatory Risk Analysis in Latam

Product Registration Hosting in Latam

Search for Distributors in Latam


Our presence in Spain and Portugal places us as the ideal strategic area to establish commercial bridges between Europe and Latin America. We currently operate in Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Argentina.

Logo de la AEMPS-España
Infarmed Logo
Logo COFEPRIS-Mexico.png
Logo ANVISA Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria
Logo anmat National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology

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